Picture Of Woman With Skin Blemishes - Vu Skin System
anti aging

Starting an Anti-Aging Routine

  There’s no wrong age to begin an anti-aging routine but it’s best to begin early which typically means in your late 20’s to early 30’s.  As skin...

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Two Women Smile Sincerely - Vu Skin System
age spots

Retinol: Why Everyone Needs It

  Vitamin A (Retinol) is important for your skin health. In my many years of practice, I’ve seen firsthand the many benefits that retinol has to o...

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Dr. Vu Smiles Sincerely - Vu Skin System

Basics of Skin Care

Acne: 1. Avoid fried and fatty foods 2. daily probiotic yogurt 3. Substitute almond butter for peanut butter 4. Avoid whole milk products and s...

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